Intake Form

To get started with our drop off day training program please fill out this intake form for The Academy.

Consultation Intake Form

Please fill out this form if you are scheduled for a behavior consultation. This is the correct form for aggression issues, anxiety issues or just basic problem solving.

Private Training Intake Form

Please fill out this form before your initial appointment so we can get you all set up in our system.

Group Class Intake Form

Please fill out this form before your first session of group class.

Barks & W(h)ine Event Intake Form


Service Dog Training Application Form

If you are interested in getting started with our Service Dog Program, please fill out this initial contact form so we can assess our starting point.

If you already have a dog that you would like to train for Service Dog work, please also fill out this form about your current dog so that we may get to know your dog.

Current Clients Board & Train Intake Form

Shelter Dog Decompression Intake Form