Our Training Center
For those that may not have known, we opened out training center in Clyde in January 2021. I was returning from maternity leave and we were still in the middle of the pandemic. For many reasons we never held an open house or a grand opening event. We have since been busy training dogs and just continuing to move along with business and life. Recently however we installed 800 feet of fencing to a yard next to the training center to create an Enrichment Field. Since we wanted to introduce everyone to our new enrichment yard, we decided it was finally time to hold an Open House.
Here are photos of the Open House taken by Jeff Smith Photography for us.
Photo Gallery of our Open House 2023
This was our first “big” event here at the training center. We are hoping this is the first of many more to come. Our dreams are to have a place in WNC where dogs and their people can gather to take fun classes, improve their relationships, participate in positive training and so much more. We are building our class schedules and making connections with like minded trainers to bring more to options to WNC.
We have added enrichment options for the field, classes onto our schedule and have more ideas to put into place as soon as we can. We are hoping you all will join us for this journey. Let us know what you’re looking for, what we can help with and what you want to see. We’ll continue to offer private sessions, group classes, and more. We’ll continue to see clients for aggressions & anxieties but want to begin to offer more fun options as well. What do you want to see.
Thank you, Caitlin